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Nippon Shikizai Inc. of Japan is a premier contact cosmetic manufacturing service solution provider


23rd IFSCC Congress, Orlando 2004

Material Design using Genetic Algorithms and Preparation of Innovative UV-Reflecting Composite

Recently, various cosmetic materials such as “Light-Filtering” powder or “Foggy-effect” powder that covers skin’s imperfect feature e.g. spots, freckles etc have been studied and developed by using various kinds of technologies. In general, it is really difficult to design those kinds of materials because it is necessary to control particle size, shape, or other material nature. This means there is a need to consider huge factors and to repeat numerous complicated calculations in order to get an ultimate cosmetic material.

In this work, we made a blueprint (Figure 1) of the composite that accomplishes both the effective reflection of the UV light and the high transparency of the visible light by using the Genetic Algorithms (GA). GA is the method that incorporates the idea of the theory of evolution and gives us the optimized factors (superior individual) through following processes; selection, crossover and mutation. It is therefore an advanced method when there are huge amounts of factors that we need to consider.

Next, the composite was prepared in accordance with the blueprint (figure 2, 3). Further we found that it had an effective reflection of UV light while it had high transparency of visible light. Moreover, it had a better feeling-on-use compared with general ultra fine titanium dioxide. From these results, the composite is expected to become useful new UV-shielding pigment.

Figure 1 Blueprint of the ultimate UV-reflecting composite, obtained by using GA.

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Nippon Shikizai Inc. of Japan is a premier contact cosmetic manufacturing service solution provider.

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